Students from around the world study abroad in Europe every year. Europeans seeking international experience, or international students from other continents wanting to study here, should look towards Europe.

European Union compiled the following 7 great reasons for studying in the EU:

1. Get a career boost by studying in Europe

Experiences gained from abroad have become increasingly important in recent years. It doesn’t matter the size of the company, employers are looking for people who have left their “comfort zone”. With an overseas education, you can set the path to your future success. Foreign graduates are also encouraged to stay in many European countries after they graduate. You are therefore likely to be offered a job in Europe should you decide to study there.

2. Educating and researching in Europe is of the highest quality

European universities are among the best in the world. Within Europe, universities are collaborating across borders in order to develop an international academic community conducting cutting-edge research.

3. Education options are plentiful

Tens of thousands of study programmes are available in English in thousands of universities across Europe. From Arts to Zoology, you will be able to pick from small, intimate universities or large international research centers, cutting-edge research programs or practice-oriented postgraduate programs. Everyone will find what they’re looking for.

4. It is affordable to attend school

Europe typically has lower tuition fees than countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia. There is no tuition fee at some universities in Europe, so studying is free! Scholarships and other forms of financial support are also available during your studies.

5. The whole continent can be explored easily

It is important to check out more than one country when studying in Europe. The availability of cheap flights, trains, and buses, along with rapid travel times, means that even students on tight schedules and with limited budgets can do so.

As a student born outside the Schengen Area, you can easily obtain a student visa allowing you to travel to other Schengen members countries. Consider how much you can learn and experience even if you are far from campus.

6. A high level of respect and alignment exists between the higher education systems

All European nations have aligned their higher education systems thanks to the Bologna process. In other words, all European bachelor’s and master’s programs follow the same academic framework. You will receive the same Master’s degree in Sweden as you would have received in Germany, Lithuania, or the United Kingdom if you obtained it there.

7. Studying in English is possible

The number of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in English is quite large. Generally, English is very well understood in European countries. Therefore, regardless of your ability to learn the basics in Polish, Portuguese or Swedish, English is the most universal language for everyday use.

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